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Innovation based learning contextual for thermochemistry topic in senior high school

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2018 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Nurhayani Nurhayani | Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Farmasi APIPSU, Medan, Indonesia | Marini Damanik | Marudut Sinaga | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

Development of chemical practice guides class xi project based to improve student’s chemical learning outcomes on acid base materials

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 August 2018 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Bajoka Nainggolan | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Ita Sri Apika Pinem | Wesly Hutabarat | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

The effect of e-learning media application using problem based learning models to activities and results of student learning in salt hydrolysis subject

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2018 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Nisa Humairah | Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam Terpadu Jabal Noor, Medan 20351, Indonesia | Marini Damanik | Eddyanto Eddyanto | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

The effectiveness of the four-step jigsaw and jigsaw learning model in improving students' argumentation skills about salt hydrolysis concept

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Windy Kartika | Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia | Asrial Asrial | Muhammad Haris Effendi-Hasibuan | Department of Chemistry Education, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry Education, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia

Biodegradable plastic modification from durian seed starch and shrimp chitosan with the addition of plasticiziers glycerol and polyglycerol using microwaves

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Saud Salomo | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Astri Devi Br Pakpahan | Dea Gracella Siagian | Grecy Kristina Tampubolon | Salsabila Afani | Eddiyanto Eddiyanto | Junifa Layla Sihombing | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

The implementation of learning model and virtual lab toward learning outcome of chemistry education

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 7 December 2019 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Gulmah Sugiharti | Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Abdul Hamid | Mukhtar Mukhtar | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Building Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

JOURNAL ISSUE published 30 December 2016 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

The effect of E-LKPD on the inquiry-flipped classroom model and self-efficacy on students' creative thinking ability

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2022 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Suci Desmarani | Muhammad Rusdi | Haryanto Haryanto | Sugeng Triwahyudi

Tapping into collaborative skills and learning achievement: The effect of implementing the common knowledge construction model equipped with podcasts on chemical bonds topic

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 April 2024 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Fa’ari Salsabiila | Sri Yamtinah | Nanik Dwi Nurhayati | Antuni Wiyarsi | Hayuni Retno Widarti | Ari Syahidul Shidiq

JOURNAL ISSUE published 15 August 2022 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

The differences of chemical learning outcomes using students work sheet and question cards with NHT type of cooperative models in salt hydrolysis

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2018 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Gelis Juliandini | Chemistry Teacher of SMP Isalam Terpadu Lubuk Cemara, Perbaungan, Indonesia | Zainuddin Muchtar | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

Alkaloid compound from Tombili (Caesalpinia bonduc) as biopesticide agent on rice plants

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2020 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Weny J.A Musa | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and natural Sciences, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia | Suleman Duengo | Ahmad Kadir Kilo | Boima Situmeang | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and natural Sciences, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and natural Sciences, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia

Students’ learning outcomes on hydrocarbon materials through mind mapping method

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Andriani Andriani | Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia | Nelius Harefa | Elferida Sormin | St Fatimah Azzah | Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Development of student activities worksheet based on a comic with 4C in chemical equilibrium for class xi high school

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 August 2019 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Sri Haryati | Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293 Indonesia | Erviyenni Erviyenni | Manju Andika Putri | Sri Wilda Albeta | Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293 Indonesia | Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293 Indonesia | Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293 Indonesia

Effect of cooperative learning model type of group investigation and adversity quotient of students on mastery of chemical concepts on salt hydrolysis material

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2020 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Havizhah Havizhah | Chemisrty Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia | Muhaimin Muhaimin | Damris Muhammad | Departemen of Chemisrty Education, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia | Departemen of Chemisrty Education, Jambi University, Jambi 36361, Indonesia

The implementation of SETS approach towards students achievement on the solubility material based on KKNI

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Christina Sitepu | Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, HKBP Nommensen University, Medan 20235, Indonesia | Ruth Mayasari Simanjuntak | Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, HKBP Nommensen University, Medan 20235, Indonesia

Methanol extract from kesambi (Schleichera oleosa (L.) oken) stem bark as a natural antioxidant to increase crude palm oil (CPO) quality

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 December 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Weny J A Musa | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Gorontalo Sate University, Gorontalo, Indonesia | Nurhayati Bialangi | Diky Kurniawan | M Amrin Sunardi | Ninik Triayu susparini | Sriwijayanti Sriwijayanti | Boima Situmeang | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Gorontalo Sate University, Gorontalo, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Cilegon, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Cilegon, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Cilegon, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Cilegon, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon, Cilegon, Indonesia

The contributing of chemistry learning in supporting education for sustainable development: A systematic literature review

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 8 April 2023 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Adek Diah Murti | Hernani Hernani

Antioxidant activity and identification of flavonoid compounds in Patat leaves (Phrynium capitatum) ethyl acetate extract

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 December 2022 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Ahmad Fathoni | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Banten 15412, Indonesia | Alhady Nareswara Candraditya | Tarso Rudiana | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Banten 15412, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Pharmacy, Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar, Banten 42273, Indonesia

The implementation for natural science online lecture with chemistry education base at Nurul Fadhillah school Bandar Setia

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2021 in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Authors: Zainuddin Muchtar | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Sri Adelila Sari | Siti Rahmah | Moondra Zubir | Rini Selly | Marini Damanik | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia | Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia